Good attendance and punctuality are essential if you are to succeed at the academy, in fact research shows that there is a direct link between good attendance and academic progress and achievement.
Did you know? One day off school is 5 lessons, One week off school is 25 lessons. Even 99-97% attendance can seriously impact outcomes, confidence and personal development in young people.
All students must make every effort to attend the academy every day. However we accept that some students may become ill or have other genuine reasons for absence. Therefore we aim to ensure that no students’ attendance falls below 97%. If you are absent the academy must be notified on the first day. A written explanation will need to be handed in when the student returns. Please note that the academy will not authorise holidays taken during term times.
We believe that it is important that our students are prepared for the start of each day and for each lesson by ensuring they arrive on time. All students are expected to arrive to the academy by 8.55am. Punctuality is monitored throughout the day. Students who do arrive late will receive a mark against their attendance record, and will be expected to meet with their class teacher to explain why they were late.
Requesting a term time leave of absence
Students have 175 non-school days each year to spend on family time and appointments and we ask that you not take time out from school if these events can take place during the scheduled holidays. Students who are taken out of school during term time may find it hard to catch up and this can have a detrimental effect on their learning.
Working Together to Improve School Attendance (2024) makes clear that Principals may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances, according to DfE guidelines. This means that parents / carers do not have the right to take their children out of school for holidays during term time. Any request for term time leave must be made in writing to the Principal at least 2 weeks in advance of the first day of absence.
Any unauthorised absence, including term time leave not agreed with the school, could result in a Penalty Notice being issued to each child for every child affected. Oasis Academy Temple Quarter will request a Penalty Notice, if students take an unauthorised holiday during term time. It is not the school’s responsibility to issue work during term time leave as your child should be attending the school.
Applications for leave of absence must be made using the Application for Leave of Absence Form and submitted to our Receptionist at the academy main reception.
Illness, Accidents, Medicines and Signing out of the Academy
During the academy day if, at any time, you feel unwell or have an accident you must inform a teacher straight away. If you require medical treatment your teacher will contact the on-call member of staff who will alert a teacher who is first aid trained. Here the member of staff will assess your condition and make a decision whether or not you can remain in the Academy. If you are being sent home, then the academy will contact your parent/carer to make suitable arrangements.
If you need to take any form of medication at the academy you need to bring a letter from your parent/carer explaining what the medication is for and when you need to take it. You will also need to show the medication in its original box or bottle to the Medical Officer. Lastly, all medication should be taken in the presence of the Academy Medical Officer or a designated First Aider.
Signing Out
Under no circumstances should any student leave the academy for any reason without permission and following the correct procedures. If you need to leave the academy to attend to a medical appointment then you will need to bring official confirmation of that appointment and show it to the Attendance office.
If there are other reasons for you needing to leave during the academy day then your parent/carer is required to call the academy in advance explaining the reason. Before leaving the academy, a member of the Attendance team will sign you out and provide you with an exit slip.
Bristol Council Documentation